Jamie Dakota: FIGHT NIGHT
edinbda: I ain't afraid of no ghosts!
edinbda: ed 1stL 22
edinbda: Somehow I don't think this is the Tunnel of Love...
edinbda: Next time, I'll ask what's on the menu....
edinbda: I'll take the chance.....
edinbda: I got a feeling i left somthin' in that taxi....
edinbda: These are the only guns I have
edinbda: Guys! Guys! Don't Argue!! There's enough for everyone!
edinbda: Taking a moment
edinbda: Shootin' hoops
edinbda: Shadows
edinbda: Going to check the meat
edinbda: 7-Card Stud
edinbda: Three Levels of Preparation
edinbda: Red Carpet Event
edinbda: that's the last time I play poker....
edinbda: What to wear.... what to wear....
edinbda: a double full moon
edinbda: Selfie
Forni Cayshun: beach day
Forni Cayshun: of course I'd stand here