edinbda: I'm a lot easier than Uber...
edinbda: No, Boss... he wasn't after an arm and a leg.........
edinbda: that's the last time I play poker....
edinbda: I have a bad feeling about this flight.....
edinbda: My car warranty has expired..?????
edinbda: What to wear.... what to wear....
edinbda: Breakdown
edinbda: At least it's a job...
edinbda: Red Carpet Event
edinbda: At the Portal
edinbda: Three Levels of Preparation
edinbda: 7-Card Stud
edinbda: Going to check the meat
edinbda: The eye of the tiger
edinbda: Shadows
edinbda: Shootin' hoops
edinbda: The Great Escape
edinbda: Taking a moment
edinbda: Ready for the modelling interview
edinbda: After a Hard day of sightseeing.
edinbda: nocturnal spring
edinbda: Spring is busting out
edinbda: There's Nuthin' like a hot shower...
edinbda: Taking a break
edinbda: the ground floor flat
edinbda: Shipwreck
edinbda: Recuperating
edinbda: Sorry! We ordered the wrong kind of buns!
edinbda: Pushin' through
edinbda: The ad DID say "budget-friendly rooms...."