The Bexxx: Harbouring #stjohns
The Bexxx: The lovely Norris Point #newfoundland #norrispoint
David Ho Ming Lam: Sigma dp3 Merrill 50mm F/2.8
iHitklif: Urban3p
The Bexxx: Frankie!
The Bexxx: the beginning of the end _DSC0317
The Saucy Milliner: 5 am With the Ponies
Dan Misener: In the library return bin: looks like someone had a fun movie night
ALFREDO URDACI: El bodegón. Lubina 15 €
David Ho Ming Lam: _mg_0626sm
Devilstar: Classic autumn shot of Devvu
Piotr Organa: Cool Lulu (3)
gardinergirl: Sunset Spin.
Colorado Scenics: High Speed Flash, Milk Drop
David Ho Ming Lam: _mg_0374sm
Stickerson: Michelle & Samantha
Stickerson: Bring on the Sun