felicia.day: Oh Skymall, you tempt me so. #gardenofhorrors
felicia.day: Pic of the moon through a badass telescope. Check out the moon's butthole!
felicia.day: Guess what the theme of the concert I'm going to tonight is?!?!
felicia.day: I guess I can retire now.
felicia.day: Stopped by #NapCon on the road back home from #SDCC
felicia.day: Last day at Comicon! Seeing off by hanging at Nerd HQ with my lovely friends!
felicia.day: Me and @motancharoen and the hottest man on the planet. Does not suck. #comicon
felicia.day: 2am finish for the Lounge! Something looks different after all that dancing...
felicia.day: Walk out of the hotel,I'm already going on Safari! #sdcc
felicia.day: At the @geekandsundry lounge getting set up! Make sure to come by Thurs or Fri! Open all day, parties at night! Corner of 4th and J upstairs!!!!
felicia.day: First of all, I cut two pairs out already. Second, it's four days of Comicon. Third, I have a problem.
felicia.day: This is me today. Click http://bit.ly/sub2geek to help me beat the system and not waste money on those bookmarks I had printed up, haha!
felicia.day: Just showin' off my necklace from Paaaaaaaris.
felicia.day: My face after learning that American Airlines lost my bags. After 34 hours of delayed and cancelled flights. #nosouvenirsforanyone
felicia.day: Last post from Europe, back to America now, back to work. Thanks for all the food things in mah belly Spain/England/France!
felicia.day: Last day in Spain: The Alhambra. Packed with tourists but breathtaking nonetheless!
felicia.day: Beans and ham and egg, fried eggplant with honey, fried milk dessert and a sangria as big as my head. #lunch #spain
felicia.day: This Word Lens translation app technology needs work (although the gigolos tasted GREAT!)
felicia.day: I dunno what to say. Maybe this whole trip has turned into a fever dream. #Spain
felicia.day: Found the perfect souvenir! #spain
felicia.day: #nofilter
felicia.day: Healthy diet is officially suspended 'cause shit like this is going on all the time in my mouth. #vacation
felicia.day: Thanks for all the Birthday wishes all, your presence is a lovely present! Goodbye Barcelona, going off the grid for a week, see you then! <3
felicia.day: Everything is like an album cover here. #barcelona
felicia.day: Barcelona, stop. You have pretty in all the places.
felicia.day: Pierre Herme macarons in my mouth. #paris #smiles
felicia.day: The best, "Girl, you know you want this" looks at the Louvre. #paris
felicia.day: The best "bitch, please" looks at the Louvre. #paris
felicia.day: Creepy Murder-y Cupids. #louvre #paris
felicia.day: Sharing my ice cream with a new friend in Paris!