becky_grover: Grover_Becky_AbstractSpring
specialneedsforspecialkids: Hope Springs Eternal
MezCat: Hope Diamond - Project Quilting
adva_p: Project Quilting Season 10 Challenge 1. "Hope Springs Eternal". Being an optimist, this is my interpretation of the theme. This saying is used a lot in my culture, albeit in Hebrew. 12"x12". The background is my unfinished mystery challenge piece.
specialneedsforspecialkids: PQSeason 9 Bold and Brave
KKrieg: I am Strong and Beautiful
adva_p: Project Quilting 9.3 Challenge: Bold and Brave. My take on it was bald and brave, an homage to young girls going through treatment for cancer. On the top I quilted 'Duck Cancer' (because autocorrect....). Machine applique'd, quilted and bound.
Mareenz: Bold and Brave. This is my entry for this weeks Project Quilting Challenge. This is a Neonatal Unit quilt measuring 30” square. My Bold is the bright colours I have used and Brave is for all the babies and families who spend time in NNU. #pqseason9
becky_grover: Truth Warrior by Becky Grover
Nonesuch Exists: Seizure Savior
dlmanowske: PQ 9.2 - Triangulation ("Chaos")
KKrieg: Triangle Pillow
sharonhuismith: Route 66, Measures 14”x45”, Project Quilting Season 9.1 @pqSeason9 @ProjectQuilting
works4me19: The Wet Coast
specialneedsforspecialkids: Hometown is Family
adva_p: This is my first piece for Project Quilting season 9. The theme was "Hometown Proud", and I chose the banner of the town I was born and grew up in: Holon, Israel. Holon was founded in the early 30's and built on sand dunes, where we played as kids.
ashleyb541: PQ 9.1 - Bend, OR
Mareenz: Festival Of Lights
dlmanowske: PQ 9.1 - Hometown Proud (The Driftless Area)
sharonhuismith: Time to Read, PQ 8.8 #pqSeason8 #ProjectQuilting
Jyllybean: The End.
Tinkermans Daughter: Be Here Now
KKrieg: The Game is Over
waymoorefunquilts: A Star Is Born...Just in Time
Awierkie: IMG_0856
KrisTMJ: Project Quilting 8.6 Time is up
PamelaWickman: time is up March 18 2017
becky_grover: Infinite by Becky Grover
beckyjeffers: PP Cuckoo Clock ( #pqSeason8
Mareenz: Scrappy Sunset - The Day Is Up