Mareenz: DSCN0675
Mareenz: DSCN0595
Mareenz: Port Taranaki
Mareenz: Scraptastic
Mareenz: Oh How Time Flies
Mareenz: No So Mellow Yellow
Mareenz: Bold and Brave. This is my entry for this weeks Project Quilting Challenge. This is a Neonatal Unit quilt measuring 30” square. My Bold is the bright colours I have used and Brave is for all the babies and families who spend time in NNU. #pqseason9
Mareenz: Project Quilting 9.2
Mareenz: Festival Of Lights
Mareenz: DSCN0023
Mareenz: Wombat Pool, Cradle Mountain, Tasmania
Mareenz: Tui in full song
Mareenz: Pat Sloan -Winter Solstice QAL
Mareenz: Red bridge in the Botanical Gardens in Wollongong
Mareenz: IMG_6361
Mareenz: Block 2 for this BOM Sew Incredibly Crazy and Friends Block Of the Month
Mareenz: Scrappy Sunset - The Day Is Up
Mareenz: 20" x 15" mini quilt
Mareenz: IMG_5961
Mareenz: IMG_5959 (3)
Mareenz: Brighter The Better
Mareenz: Forgotten World Railcart Tour
Mareenz: Forgotten World Railcart Tours
Mareenz: Forgotten World Rail Cart Tour
Mareenz: IMG_5839
Mareenz: Festival Of Lights
Mareenz: Festival Of Lights Pukekura Park, New Plymouth, New Zealand
Mareenz: Gwennie Inspired Basket Medallion Quilt
Mareenz: Gwennie inspired basket medallion quilt