tangocatgems1: Labradorite Pendant necklace
tangocatgems1: Green Labradorite
tangocatgems1: Opal Garnet and Amethyst
tangocatgems1: Pink Topaz in sterling silver
"Sharayah Sheldon": Variations on a Herringbone
kricsár: Propranolol
weirdlywiredjewelry: Clifford, the big red chicken (rhode island red)
tangocatgems1: Robin Nest Fairy Ring
DoxalloDesigns/Janice: Winding Roads Ring (7/52)
DoxalloDesigns/Janice: Alllllmost done! (8/52)
weirdlywiredjewelry: Copper Pinned Labradorite Briolette Necklace
weirdlywiredjewelry: Moonstone Garden Necklace
weirdlywiredjewelry: Moonstone Garden Necklace
weirdlywiredjewelry: My wedding ring needs about $350 in repairs. I'll wear this in the mean time! Rainbow moonstone, patterned brass and fine silver bezel.
Aethereal Minx: kyanite and enamelled copper pendant
tangocatgems1: Labradorite Pendant TangoCatGems
Caron Michelle: Ney Leopard Cuff-4
Magdalena Pavlovic: Polymer clay earrings
Barb Fajardo: Columbus Class Samples
Arteplus: Warp and weft. Stoneware, Gres, Clay.
wandering spirit designs: nov 10 sway duo capped and cored
wandering spirit designs: nov 11 metallic mermaid scrolls hollow focals capped and cored tied
Silverfish Designs: coral bay lampwork beads
Silverfish Designs: irish eyes pandora bead
jkay jewelry: This box is 3.5 inches tall and 5.5 inches in diameter. It's my entry to the Polymer Clay Division of the Orange County Fair for 2013. It's 100% clay - not a covered purchased container - and bathed in metallic paints and patina.
tangocatgems1: Briar Rose Labradorite Pendant
Aethereal Minx: Chakra pendant
weirdlywiredjewelry: Copper Wire Wrapped Drop Earrings
weirdlywiredjewelry: Mens Horseshoe Copper Necklace Back