christianyackel: Steel house
bear3741: Ghost Town Church
rrw2000: Gainsborough, SK Canada
P3ddl3: An Appreciation for the Classics
*Darlene*: I was told that most weekends, her opulantly adorned interiors were filled with the upper crust of party goers enjoying the scrupulously laid out feasts set out on freshly pressed white linen tablecloths, and she ponders over why they all left her behind.
bear3741: Castle Mountain High
bear3741: Mount Rundle
♞Jenny♞: Waterlogged
bear3741: Thank You
cowgirlrightup: Honouring all our heroes who have fallen in whatever form
Gordon Hunter: Garage Business
P3ddl3: ...What a drag is it getting old.
TigerPal: St John Bohoslav Church
TigerPal: Ukraine in Saskatchewan
searchlight557: WWII Jeep
♞Jenny♞: Go away! I'm eating!
christianyackel: Running on empty
Diggerthedog99: Fall Back (in time)
TigerPal: Visitation Catholic Church
*Darlene*: They found keeping the barrier fence in presentable condition was pointless as there was no one left inside to call on and no precious earthly possessions left to unburden, so we continue to step through and mindfully envision the essense that once was.
christianyackel: Halloween!
bear3741: Hangin' In