Friendly Joe: Detour Ahead
Friendly Joe: Wren sticks it to the man
frau_k: 02/52 frozen world
Brunton H: Coulter's Candy complete installation
bunchadogs & susan [off]: to sleep perchance.....
●●●sdzn: Pen FT vs F lens
FABIÀ: P0087279
mgtelu: Olympus Pen F with Telephoto Lens
wNG555: DSC05198c_Olympus E.Zuiko Auto-T 150mm f4
Friendly Joe: Home of the McSsiahburger with Cheese
Friendly Joe: Hues and blues
Friendly Joe: I'll say.
sazzy: Bandit is HOME!
Lady-bug: Goose Highway
birdcloud1: dark dreaming light (2)
birdcloud1: in the green cathedral
unknown quantity: Bushong, Kansas
unknown quantity: Osage County, Kansas
unknown quantity: Stalagmites
Patricia Colleen: Canada Place from Stanley Park - 2007
Patricia Colleen: and she still sleeps ... 2012
G Hue: Pier
G Hue: Cocktail Bar
Maureen Bond: mood to moment
bunchadogs & susan [off]: my favorite anemone...
bunchadogs & susan [off]: the latest polaroid garden treasure
Robert Drozda: Through the Woods