Friendly Joe: NEW! Nativity Jarts!!! Bullseye the Manger for Extra Funz!
Friendly Joe: Apollo Astronaut Defecation Collection Device
Friendly Joe: 15 secs-worth of International Space Station flyover
Friendly Joe: Flickr, Circa 2007
Friendly Joe: You're never fully dressed without your 40 lb golf bag.
Friendly Joe: Happy World Toy Camera Day, Bishes!
Friendly Joe: Wipeout over there
Friendly Joe: varmints
Friendly Joe: All your feeder are belong to us.
Friendly Joe: Detour Ahead
Friendly Joe: back that up
Friendly Joe: Move along kids. Nothing to see here.
Friendly Joe: Randolph Street
Friendly Joe: I'd say "It begins", but I'm sure this is the last one.
Friendly Joe: Sunset on 57
Friendly Joe: A picture about shoes
Friendly Joe: Wafflewide Pinhole Photography Day
Friendly Joe: That time the moon nutscaped the sun, with sunspots
Friendly Joe: I'll just go out on a limb and guess that they could have come up with a solution that was easier to clean.
Friendly Joe: What did you say? Coat the ashen remains of this formerly-angry hornet nest in clear acrylic lacquer? Yeah. Did that.
Friendly Joe: Home of the McSsiahburger with Cheese
Friendly Joe: Christmas in Kill-arney
Friendly Joe: "That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown."
Friendly Joe: 1976 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz with optional Reindeer Catcher
Friendly Joe: When events 6,200 miles away find their way to your path
Friendly Joe: Sunrise hornet hacienda
Friendly Joe: When birds don't watch where they're goin'.
Friendly Joe: Northern cinnabar polypore. Yeah. Don't eat 'em.
Friendly Joe: When that leaf rustling sound is wild turkeys...