Greg Lavaty Photography: Brown-headed Nuthatch
Greg Lavaty Photography: American Avocet
Greg Lavaty Photography: Black-necked Stilt
foto-med: bewußt unperfekt I
Buzzie82: Alder Flycatcher
csj9999999: Cactus Wren in the Cactus
Lady on a Rock: DSC03102.jpg
Greg Lavaty Photography: Painted Bunting
Ben White Wildlife Photography: Formation of Brown Pelicans in flight, San Francisco Bay
austexican718: Golden-fronted Woodpecker
rhizomeblur: 3x4- earthworking 3
VEB Zardoz the Gravyboat: 'Händler der vier Jahreszeiten' ~ for the memory of Rainer Werner Fassbinder
silvell: Self Shadow④