csj9999999: Western Meadowlark
csj9999999: Belted Kingfisher
csj9999999: Little Blue Heron
csj9999999: Cassin's Kingbird
csj9999999: Black-throated Gray Warbler
csj9999999: Red-breasted Nuthatch
csj9999999: American Three-toed Woodpecker
csj9999999: Red-necked Phalarope
csj9999999: Short-billed Dowitcher
csj9999999: Lesser Yellowlegs
csj9999999: Wilson's Snipe
csj9999999: Spruce Grouse
csj9999999: Sea Otter
csj9999999: Bald Eagle
csj9999999: Bald Eagle
csj9999999: Bald Eagle
csj9999999: The Chase is On
csj9999999: Curve-billed Thrasher
csj9999999: The Sentinel
csj9999999: Mississippi Kite
csj9999999: Red-faced Warbler
csj9999999: Pine Siskin
csj9999999: Bridled Titmouse
csj9999999: Northern Flicker
csj9999999: Blue Grosbeak
csj9999999: Painted Redstart
csj9999999: Coati
csj9999999: Lesser Goldfinch
csj9999999: Lucifer Gorget
csj9999999: Study of a Sapsucker