| R | R | P |: The Galactic core of Milky way Galaxy..
@PAkDocK / www.pakdock.com: A tree in the desert (Outback, Australia)
| R | R | P |: White-bellied drongo (Dicrurus caerulescens)
| R | R | P |: Pair of Yellow-throated bulbul
| R | R | P |: Blue Rock Thrush
| R | R | P |: Common Stonechat (Saxicola torquatus) with a kill ...
| R | R | P |: Long tailed Shrike(Lanius schach)
| R | R | P |: Anti-Gravity - Fluid Art
| R | R | P |: Lunar Hemisphere
| R | R | P |: Black-winged stilt, common stilt, or pied stilt (Himantopus himantopus) in flight
| R | R | P |: Halictid bee
| R | R | P |: Black-winged Kite
| R | R | P |: Indian jackal (Canis aureus indicus)
| R | R | P |: RRP - Self potrait
| R | R | P |: Red-Blue Checkered Beetle (Trichodes Nuttali)
| R | R | P |: Bramhminy Kite - Perched on Eucalyptus tree
| R | R | P |: Black Crowned Night Heron.
| R | R | P |: A pair of Painted Storks
| R | R | P |: Grey Heron
| R | R | P |: Crested Honey Buzzard
| R | R | P |: Indian Roller on the wing
| R | R | P |: Up close and Personal
| R | R | P |: A juvenile Rhesus macaque
| R | R | P |: Rhesus Macaque young with its mother
| R | R | P |: Rhesus Macaque young with its mother
| R | R | P |: Rhesus Macaque young with its mother
| R | R | P |: Flying Cat...
Clayton Percy: beaver pond, yampa river
G.O.M.E.R.: 59BirBan2014-25ed1_edited-1
Jonathan Saull: Eurasian Kestrel (Falco Tinnunculus)