| R | R | P |: Virupakasha Temple (Zoom burst)
| R | R | P |: Star Trails
| R | R | P |: Virupaksha Temple, Hampi
| R | R | P |: Taramati Baradari, Hyderabad
| R | R | P |: The Galactic core of Milky way Galaxy..
| R | R | P |: Indian Roller (Coracias benghalensis)
| R | R | P |: Crested honey buzzard (Pernis ptilorhyncus) or Oriental Honey Buzzard
| R | R | P |: Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus), also know as Peregrene
| R | R | P |: Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica)
| R | R | P |: Barn Swallow - Perching (Hirundo rustica)
| R | R | P |: Montagu's Harrier - Male ((Circus pygargus))
| R | R | P |: crested serpent eagle (Spilornis cheela)
| R | R | P |: The Common Jezebel (Delias eucharis)
| R | R | P |: Oriental Darter or Snake Bird (Anhinga melanogaster)
| R | R | P |: Immature - Bay Backed Shrike (Lanius vittatus)
| R | R | P |: western marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus) also called Eurasian Marsh Harrier
| R | R | P |: Little Cormorant - portrait
| R | R | P |: Panoramic view of Financial District, Gachibowli, Hyderabad
| R | R | P |: ITC, CA technologies
| R | R | P |: Grey-breasted prinia or Franklin's prinia (Prinia hodgsonii)
| R | R | P |: Blister Beetles (Epicauta hirticornis)
| R | R | P |: Common Bluebottle Butterfly (Graphium sarpedon)
| R | R | P |: Anjunem Dam (Anjunem Lake)
| R | R | P |: NCC Urban One in the making
| R | R | P |: NCC Urban One in the making
| R | R | P |: Ashy prinia or Ashy wren-warbler (Prinia socialis) - Behavior
| R | R | P |: Ashy prinia or Ashy wren-warbler (Prinia socialis) - Behavior
| R | R | P |: Ashy prinia or Ashy wren-warbler (Prinia socialis) - Behavior
| R | R | P |: Ashy prinia or Ashy wren-warbler (Prinia socialis) - Behavior
| R | R | P |: Ashy prinia or Ashy wren-warbler (Prinia socialis) - Behavior