Sator Arepo: The Weather Man
Anderson Mancini: Bug Pose
kyledg07: Sherco Power Plant
warp speed: Cats and dogs
Profusly: Canary Wharf..
m-arx: Stairwell
J e n s: Before and After
8ran: paper wasp
HanaHoudkova: Un mes más tarde... (Polistes dominula)
Spkennedy3000 - Architectural Photographer: Karlskirche Life and Death and Angels
adfox: Tree
aussiegall: Lift Off- Best Viewed Large
kyledg07: Rocky Falls
paddimir: aIMG_3243
kyledg07: Icy Sunset
JenniferLGTucker: blue frog
JenniferLGTucker: blue frog2
Darien Chin: Vertigo
Felipe Beiza: Avenida Argentina y Carlos Pezoa Véliz
(Erik): Revenge of the Trees
Ar'alani: Misty and Mossy
Ar'alani: City of Darkness
InSectHunter: Red ants, Singapore Botanic Garden.
Seb Przd: Hyperbolic exhibit
mugley: this city will squash you #5