Intersection of S. Cooper St. & Young Ave. with a Corner Store and Barber Shop & B.E. Turner’s WeOna Food Store #16, 2129 Young Ave., Memphis TN - Circa 1945
Intersection of S. Cooper Ave. & Young Ave., looking north, Memphis TN - Circa 1945
Public Eye Barbecue - Overton Square, 17 S. Cooper St., Memphis TN
AJ Vescovo WeOna Food Store, 641 S. Cooper St., Memphis TN - Circa 1958
Miss Kitty's Bar & Grill, S. Cooper St. at Peabody Ave., Memphis TN
Trader Dick's Truck Stop, 'Appearing Randy Haspel', Overton Square, 2012 Madison Ave, Memphis TN - Circa 1980
'Annswood' Clarence Saunders 7000 Sq. Foot, 10 room Adirondack Style Log Cabin. Ridgeway Station, 5992 Quince Rd., Memphis TN - Circa 1929
'Annswood' Clarence Saunders 7000 Sq. Foot Adirondack Style Log Home, 5992 Quince Rd., Memphis TN - Erected Circa 1929
Fussell, Hayley & Co., Dry Goods, Memphis TN - Circa 1864
Foltz's Delicatessen, 1734 Poplar Ave., Memphis TN - Circa 1926
Map of the City of Memphis and Suburbs, issued by Donoho & Bulkley, 39 Madison St., Memphis TN - Circa 1871
Memphis Street Railway Company Route Map, Memphis TN - Circa 1908
Topographical Map of Memphis and Vicinity. Surveyed & drawn by order of Maj. Genl. W. T. Sherman under the Direction of the Chief Topl. Engr., Dept. of the Tennessee, by Pitzman & Frick, Asst. Topl. Engineers
Map showing part of Mid-Town with the curve in the center the corner of Madison Ave. at Cooper St., where 'Red Line' was the City Limits of its day, Memphis TN - Circa 1891
ⓑⓘⓡⓒⓗ from memphis:
late 1990s photo postcards - Hunt-Phelan House, Memphis, Tennessee
ⓑⓘⓡⓒⓗ from memphis:
circa 1980 matchbook - Solomon Alfred, Overton Square, Memphis, Tennessee
ⓑⓘⓡⓒⓗ from memphis:
1972 poster for River City Renaissance Fair, Overton Park Shell, Memphis, Tennessee
ⓑⓘⓡⓒⓗ from memphis:
circa 1950s postcard, McClintock's Tourist Home, Memphis, Tennessee
ⓑⓘⓡⓒⓗ from memphis:
1904 billhead, Goodbar & Company, Memphis, Tennessee
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 288 of "Illinois, historical and statistical, comprising the essential facts of its planting and growth, as a province, county, territory, and state, etc"
The Library of Congress:
[Bookplate of Helen Louise Taylor, Cincinnati, Ohio] (LOC)
The Library of Congress:
[Bookplate of Anita Herriman Vedder, Rome, Italy] (LOC)
The Library of Congress:
[Bookplate of Buddy Lankes] (LOC)