uofmtiger52: Armistice Day Parade, showing the winning Float, Main St., Memphis TN - Circa 1922
uofmtiger52: Automobiles leading the Armistice Day parade passing Court Square on Main Street, Memphis TN - Circa 1924
uofmtiger52: Site of the 1st Telephone in Memphis, Linden Ave. at S. Front St., Memphis TN - Circa 1877
uofmtiger52: Sinking of the RMS Titanic - Circa 1912
uofmtiger52: Seen Hanging on the Wall, Germantown Commissary, Memphis 21 - UTK 17, Memphis TN
uofmtiger52: Secretarial Students during Typing Instruction, Henderson Business College, Hooks Bros. photo, 528 St. Paul Ave., Memphis TN - Circa 1935
uofmtiger52: Seasons Greetings from Tennessee Brewing Co., Memphis TN - Circa 1895
uofmtiger52: Benjamin Hooks & Vice President Richard Nixon praying together at a Presidential election campaign event, Memphis TN - Circa 1960
uofmtiger52: Keedoozle Store, photo by Poland, 1628 Union Ave., Memphis TN - Opened Circa 1937
uofmtiger52: Ernest Wheeler, Broker & Commission Merchant, Oats, Corn, Maize, Kaffir, Hay, Flour, Meal, & all kinds of Wheat, Feeds, & Corn Feeds a Speciality, Memphis TN - Circa 1917
uofmtiger52: F.H. Clark & Co. Billhead, Established 1841, Corner Main & Madison Streets, Memphis TN - Circa 1869
uofmtiger52: Elks Club, Memphis TN - Circa 1928
uofmtiger52: Elks Club close-up, Southeast corner of Jefferson Ave. at Front St., Memphis TN - Circa 1928
uofmtiger52: Elk's Club, 69 Jefferson Ave., Memphis TN - Circa 1900
uofmtiger52: Chicago & Southern Air Lines announces 4-engine Douglas Skymaster air-coach service Jackson-Chicago, $29.00 - Circa 1950
uofmtiger52: Memphis State College Tigers Logo, Memphis TN - Circa 1952
uofmtiger52: American Sound Studio, 827 N. Thomas St., Memphis TN
uofmtiger52: Blue Monkey Midtown, 2012 Madison Ave., Memphis TN
uofmtiger52: Women's Basketball Team group photo, West Tennessee State Normal School, Memphis TN - Circa 1921
uofmtiger52: WDIA’s '50,000 watts of goodwill' were on display during the Big Star Show, photo by Ernest C. Withers, Memphis TN - Circa 1954
uofmtiger52: Nat D. Williams at the mic, interviewing for WDIA, 730 on the Dial, Memphis TN
uofmtiger52: Advertisement for Pep-Ti-Kon featuring WDIA DJ Nat D Williams, Pinstein's Drug Store, Beale St., Memphis TN - Circa 1953
uofmtiger52: Tenth Street Studio Building, designed for Artists by Richard Morris Hunt, constructed in 1857, New York NY - Circa 1938
uofmtiger52: Tenth Street Studio Building, 51 W. 10th St. between Fifth & Sixth Ave. New York NY - Circa 1870
uofmtiger52: Elvis Presley takes delivery of his 1957 Harley-Davidson FLH, 1034 Audobon Dr., Mempnis TN - Circa 1956
uofmtiger52: Traffic on the Memphis-Arkanaas Bridge, Mississippi River, Memphis TN - Circa 1965
uofmtiger52: Happy Christmas To All, Court Square, Memphis TN
uofmtiger52: 'The Marxist' - Crisis of the Darker Races, Roddy's Citizen's Co-Operative Stores, Memphis TN - Circa 1919 Page 3