gc.iaffaldano: Dust close Alpha Tauri - Ngc 1555 and more -
Ginge70: NGC 1333
manuelj.g: M104
gc.iaffaldano: Ngc2264_Lrhgb+zw
Alex Wides: The-New-Year
Terry Robison: NGC 253 - Starbust Galaxy in Sculptor
Salvatore Cozza: Melotte 15 - IC1805 - The Heart Nebula
Terry Robison: NGC 1097- Wide Field Showing Rare Optical Jets
Roberto Colombari: Snake Nebula and Surroundings
tommy_nawratil: LeoTrio_20190205_Eos77d_Epsi130_crop
tommy_nawratil: M65_10Nf4
tommy_nawratil: M66_10Nf4
tommy_nawratil: NGC3628_10Nf4
Terry Robison: Messier 104 - The Sombero Galaxy
Terry Robison: NGC 3521
www.swiftsastro.com: Christmas Tree Cluster & Fox Fur Nebula
www.swiftsastro.com: Comic Bubble Sh2-308 a
tommy_nawratil: Hyaden_Taurus_20181110_Eos6d_135mm
gjdonatiello: Leo Triplet
Pool187: M106
Terry Robison: NGC 1672
kees scherer: The dust that hides the Hidden Galaxy
Ritzelmut: 46p-2018-12-24-42x60sec-ASI071color-UHC-E-filter_RASA_ASA85_19-15h_20-10h
Terry Robison: Thor's Helmet
Pool187: Ngc 1333
tommy_nawratil: NGC55_20170823_8Nf4_ASI1600MMC_crop
Oleg Bryzgalov: Nebula NGC7129 and open cluster NGC7142 in Cepheus (ver.2018)