gjdonatiello: Antares Region
gjdonatiello: Moon and Jupiter on April 10, 2024
gjdonatiello: Regulus and the dwarf spheroidal galaxy Leo I
gjdonatiello: Messier 45 - The Pleiades
gjdonatiello: Messier 13
gjdonatiello: At the top of Monte Grattaculo on July 29, 2015
gjdonatiello: Tarazed and the dark Nebula E (B143)
gjdonatiello: Moon on March 18, 2024
gjdonatiello: From Messier 16 to Messier 17
gjdonatiello: NGC 247
gjdonatiello: NGC 253 / Sculptor Galaxy
gjdonatiello: Mu Geminorum (left), Eta Geminorum (right) and the SNR IC 443
gjdonatiello: IC 443 (labeled)
gjdonatiello: Messier 35 and NGC 2158
gjdonatiello: Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks
gjdonatiello: Andromeda (M31)
gjdonatiello: The M81 Group and high-latitude galactic cirri clouds
gjdonatiello: Messier 76 - The Little Dumbbell Nebula in Perseus
gjdonatiello: Andromeda Galaxy (Messier 31) ultra-deep image
gjdonatiello: Andromeda Galaxy - M31 (nomenclature structures in the outer halo of the galaxy)
gjdonatiello: The M81 Group and high-latitude galactic cirri clouds
gjdonatiello: Wide Field setup test
gjdonatiello: The Moon as a comet with a long trail of fluorescent sodium / Moon tail
gjdonatiello: NGC 1097 with stellar streams
gjdonatiello: From Deneb to Sadr
gjdonatiello: NGC 7789 in Cassiopeia
gjdonatiello: Melotte 20 - Alpha Persei Cluster
gjdonatiello: Orion's Belt & Sword (2024 data)
gjdonatiello: Part of the Orion constellation
gjdonatiello: Andromeda 450 Survey