Glenn Bartley - Australian King Parrot (Alisterus scapularis)
crisymay: buttercup meadow
awfulsteelmelon: Alpine moor (IR 510nm)
russell.bray: Lake Tyrrell salt lake
Glenn Bartley - Black-throated Blue Warbler (Dendroica caerulescens)
ericpare: The Magellanic Clouds
paullangton: Oak tree, IR 720nm
njcck: March 19 Moon
fabioh2o: 2024-04-13_M51
mueflickr: Allen's Hummingbird (Selasphorus sasin)
Ron Buening: Surprise Attack!
Bill Halladay: Allen's Hummingbird About To Sip Some Pride of Madeira
unixchris: King vulture
Adam Blyth: Red-necked Stint
Eifeltopia: Gandalf the Damselfly
Michael Aagaard Photography: Northern Spadefoot
Chad M. Lane: Great Basin Whiptail (Aspidoscelis tigris tigris)
JayEssEmm: JSM_9611autumn1jsm
awfulsteelmelon: Tiny mountain hut (360° IR)
Wisnu Purwanto: Ulele sea garden, Gorontalo, Indonesia-3030524.jpg
paullangton: Oak , Infrared 720nm
FrogLuv: Metro Beach basketball court
sixdunebooks: First Batch IV
Aves Lux: Puffin
Aves Lux: Black-tailed godwit
vuorinen.eero: Common tern
Martin Pilschek: Taubenschwänzchen
Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve: Sandhill Cranes and Crescent Moon