Avijit Datta Photography: কোথাও কেউ নেই | There is no one anywhere
dmihel: 0247_sm
Josef...: outflow
J.u.l.i.u.s.: Autumn vibes
*Darlene*: If I could take you home with me, I would, but how could I ever pull you away from such a captivating view as this, and still feel content that you were mine.
*Darlene*: It's simply lovely when the lake turns to glass, and the pristine imitation of whatever lays along its edge just makes it doubly magestic.
*Darlene*: From fear and anticipation to joy and delight, the gamut of emotions experienced in the few seconds it took to climb that ladder always remained just as powerful no matter how many trips were made.
*Darlene*: I can easily imagine living right here in a quaint ivory cabin, sheltered on a porch swing at twilight, letting the mellow sounds of nature fill my ears, and the tranquil panorama fill my eyes, until absolute contentment washes through me.
*Darlene*: The mystical charm of a double fence never loses its intrique, and the quest to find one is always prevalent on my mind, and when one comes along, I can't be held responsible for the sometimes unidentifiable sounds that eminate from my excited inner self.
*Darlene*: They found keeping the barrier fence in presentable condition was pointless as there was no one left inside to call on and no precious earthly possessions left to unburden, so we continue to step through and mindfully envision the essense that once was.
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