The Library of Congress: Saluting Nature Photography Day with an early view of Yosemite Valley, California (LOC)
danielkieffer: like my father before me... / comme mon père...
The Library of Congress: Pink elephant, Jawor's Fun Golf, Roseville, Michigan (LOC)
piotr_szymanek: Moor seen from air
europeanspaceagency: New evidence of watery plumes on Jupiter’s moon Europa
arjayempee: Blair Castle (6)
The Library of Congress: Paris. Notre Dame (LOC)
Zack Huggins: Cardinal
Augusta Onida: ... Il baobab ..
europeanspaceagency: Proba-V view of Aral Sea
ojbfiddlestyx: Waiting For Snow
The Library of Congress: Detroit Electric auto on promotional tour through mountains from Seattle to Mt. Rainier (LOC)
europeanspaceagency: Atlantic ship tracks
andreavignali93: enfant piéton [analogic film]
Vinc_1995: Herbstfarben von oben
AlexLamoreaux: Red-cockaded Woodpecker (female)--Colleton Co, SC
U.S. Geological Survey: Happy 137th Birthday USGS!
State Library of NSW: Police Dog, Tess, 29/1/35 / by Sam Hood
The Library of Congress: Wishing a Happy Holiday to All ! (LOC)
U.S. Geological Survey: Happy Birthday Indiana!
The Library of Congress: Roger A. Pryor (LOC)
U.S. Geological Survey: Duckweed Pond
U.S. National Archives: Going to work at 5:30 A.M. Small boy named Jo is a sweeper in Hill Mfg. Co. Been there 2 years. Said he didn't know how old he was and he couldn't spell his name, April 1909
The National Archives UK: Three skeletons at the piano