mollymuff: Bike bell. Not painted but decorated with relflections and an involuntary selfie
Matthias.Kahrs: Kranich (Grus grus)
razor2277: Total Lunar Eclipse 9/27/15 - Explored!
Jacques GUILLE: Le héron d' Esculape
Matthias.Kahrs: Eisvogel (Alcedo atthis)
Matthias.Kahrs: Feldhase (Lepus europaeus)
Matthias.Kahrs: Eurpäischer Grauwolf (Canis lupus lupus)
Loïc Lagarde: Sunrise on the Lavender Fields in Valensole in Provence
brad.schram: Kayakers Near Humpback Lunge Feeding
stevelamb007: Relaxed African Wild Hunting Dog
Hauke Lass: Aeroe 038
Lord Markus: Chilly morning at Orta
Lord Markus: Castle bathroom
AnitaErdmann: Northern Lights over an Abandoned Homestead
stevelamb007: Backlit heron
drimhof: New Born Leather turtle, one of thousands
drimhof: Just Born
to.wi: Flugfuchs
phil winter: Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
Moments By Bram: Tasmanian Devil
BGantenbein 3.5: beaver at work (Explored)
skram1v: Hoar-Frost Snowie
Neil Aiston: Solar Eclipse - North East England
LuckyLogan: Curiosity Amazed the Spider
Gio\/anni: Z = V x 0,9214916053
Bhalalhaika: Total Solar Eclipse — 20. mars 2015
Gianni Armano: Eclisse di sole del 20 marzo 2015 #Explore#