edzterisk: Bear spotting!
Jennifer 真泥佛 * Taiwan (Busy): Hydrangea field @ Yangmingshan National Park
PeterThoeny: Fireworks of flowers
Jennifer 真泥佛 * Taiwan (Busy): 2017 Taiwan International Balloon Festival (Taipei) / 2017自由廣場熱氣球光雕秀
PeterThoeny: Restless cattle at sunset
CHO:LO: Carlos
folkwynd: frodo02poster02
folkwynd: jonsnow02poster01light
folkwynd: khaleesi02poster01
folkwynd: gandalf01poster02
folkwynd: doctor07poster01
monikamm: Alexander
: Master of Tomatoes
Saga: Deja vu
paval hadzinski: Procession of Body of Christ | 62. Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti & Bishop Jury Kasabucki
Alexia Sinclair: Elizabeth I – The Virgin Queen
^ Johnny: Duanwu Festival, Quo Island
Nelson Adonis: IMG_4488
Nelson Adonis: IMG_4497
Nelson Adonis: IMG_4498
tetsu-k.: play equipment
Masahiro Makino: 京都タワー
donjd2: Looking Up
Masahiro Makino: 蚊取り線香