blimpa: photo World Record: Most Adjectives Attached To One's Body
dextor: DSC_0351
dextor: DSC_0349
dextor: DSC_0345
zabeth: uh-oh.
Lifeofreilly: img_0857
Katertot: 14-Hook
pleaselovemyphotos: Dog Shit Poet
myimaginaryboyfriend: mr. moustache
fungjigirl: feet first !!
nikki.noodles: RACECAR - Opus Moreschi
ColdTowne Theater: it will hurt you
Matthew Baldwin: Grandpa was a card
jasonEscapist: My New Flag
King Power Cinema: Watermelon Wonder
The Searcher: Chicken. fried.
~db~: Victory Station
Vycanth: Oh it's you
Katertot: octopus
Katertot: sand in the sandwich
opus2008: IMG_2214.JPG
Miss Anna: DSC02191.JPG
Vycanth: HELP