Katertot: Rosa rugosa 2UP
Katertot: Dive
Katertot: Floppy legs
Katertot: I just like this mofo
Katertot: Long neck!
Katertot: Herring Gull on right-- wing shape and coloration on underwing
Katertot: Underside wing coloration
Katertot: More with Wing Shape
Katertot: Wing Shape
Katertot: even when fishing, stiff body
Katertot: Floppy legs! Tail Shape.
Katertot: Floppy Legs!
Katertot: Where wing meets body
Katertot: Flat fan shape of tail, coloration of underwing
Katertot: Tail fan shape
Katertot: Cheesy as shit
Katertot: Wing shape
Katertot: Coloration underwing
Katertot: coloration underneath wing
Katertot: relaxed feet!
Katertot: Wing shape and coloration
Katertot: Coloration underwing
Katertot: Even when attacking: floppy legs, stiff body.
Katertot: Still, pretty straight body
Katertot: Dive
Katertot: Stiff body, long neck
Katertot: good head shape
Katertot: BeachRoses2
Katertot: Beachroses3
Katertot: BeachRose