lawatt: starting with warmth
Treebeard: Wild bee on a oak leaf -- Halictidae family?
Room With A View: Another Reason to Love Libraries
Calochortus: The Crown Loop Trail, Eastern Sierra
lawatt: george & the snow wave
lawatt: current conditions
Kath's photos: Colorado Fall
Masako Metz: My Secret Garden
lawatt: only one
mtnexplorer: 025-P1170755
mtnexplorer: 018-IMG_3557
lawatt: day 1 -- our first stop, after Mom’s arrival & dropping stuff off at the hotel…
mtnexplorer: 001-P1160405
lawatt: Snæfjallaströnd
Calochortus: Six Moon Design Gatewood Cape
randomtruth: never bitter
BobcatWeather: 2019-01-05 Delightfully wild conditions @Half Moon Bay State Beach, San Mateo County, California, U.S.A.
Jim Morefield: Deep Springs Lake looking southeast across the south end of Deep Springs Valley
Jim Morefield: Shockley goldenheads, Acamptopappus shockleyi
Mathesont: Apodemia mormo
Ron Wolf: Variegated Fritillary (Euptoieta claudia)
lawatt: you, you can have your silly explosive wildfire-causing fireworks—me, i’ll take the sparkly feathers of a male rufous hummingbird...
lawatt: Gothic panorama
lawatt: we are here!!! this will be my home for the next two months
AnitaLS: Patio
Toni Corelli: Apiaceae - Torilis arvensis (TALL SOCK-DESTROYER ) non-native JRBP
randomtruth: quick work
lawatt: silver wake
mimbrava: sideways