Marga Vroom: Paviljoen de Rietzoom
~ Floydian ~: The Goliath - Eemshaven - Netherlands
~ Floydian ~: Shortest Day - Netherlands
inge plomp: Reflected
Thorsten Ernst: ©Thorsten Ernst-16341
Wales and beyond: Seaside splash
Xtraphoto: Sunrise
Andrea Moscato: Kapellbrücke - Luzern (Switzerland)
krzysztof_browko: Pine Island...
liuskaa: After the storm, it's bad weather
!nottellin!: Hollow Rock, MN
Luis Llebrez: Mosque of Suleymaniye the Magnificent
Lara-queen: Pont Jacques-Cartier de Montreal (Explore #55)
gilmarcil: Série 5: La maison, l'arbre, les oiseaux (1)
.Okular.: Little Chapel
Luis Llebrez: Norwegian Bay
vincenzo_russo3: Sentry box in the moonlight
Christine's Phillips (Christine Phillips Photos) -: The famous view from Sugarloaf Mountain as seen through clouds, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Christine Phillips
ThomasWMutherJr: A Surprise Appearance from the Sun
Torsten schlüter: Night Rain Fruchthof
Torsten schlüter: Dockland Office.
Torsten schlüter: Münzviertel
rene.g.tenteris: Planetarium2
rene.g.tenteris: Elphilharmonie Pridefarben
Torsten schlüter: ICM Fotografie
rene.g.tenteris: Hamburg Von der Kennedybrücke aus
uwe1904: Sternenhimmel...
SurfacePics: Aurora Borealis