MarcVL: USk_Manchester_B_0392
ngwoonlam: Smith Street Chinatown en plein air
Wil Freeborn: Laboratorio Espresso
crosti: SE7EN
pabigelli: Scherzo d'Amore - Joke of Love - Witz der Liebe - Blague de l'Amour - Brincadeira do Amor
visuranto: east european outward journey and delicious René @ Vilnius
JochenSchittkowski: Kokkari, Samos, GR
shari blaukopf: Half Road
bogema: Emit Remmus
larosecarmine: Cafe and Bar, the Cornerhouse, Manchester
toni belobrajdic: Sydney-Fish-Markets_3
ellis nadler: Champagne
MarcInTurkey: Hungry birds in snowstorm
DUCKMARX: Stanley William Hayter (1901-1988)
Anders Mohlin: At the bistro
shari blaukopf: House Under Bridge
MrtyHrrs1: autorretrato, 1981
andrea bayer: walkin in traffic # 5 low
andrea bayer: walkin in traffic # 6 low
Anders Mohlin: From Stockholm Central Station
simone geerligs: Telesforo Zabala's: Port of Beirut from my balcony
suhita1: Quick baby and dad sketch
travelingsuep: Sketching in the dark.
bogema: Rudolf Nureev
KatrinMerle: 44. SketchCrawl, Marmorhaus
NIVOMA: 2014-07-12 Ötztal - Fliegen 2