littlebiddle: Let me off at the next tree!
Rebecca Tifft: feeling a little blue
Croix-roussien: Navigli canal again and again
jackhawk9: "Blue Jay" "Cyanocitta cristata"
Karin Pinkham (on and off): nature's paintbrush
Karin Pinkham (on and off): beautiful colors
Karin Pinkham (on and off): cell phone snap of my frosty windshield ❄
ebsge: Silvester in Thyon
HD Carolina: Todd Creek Falls
Lee Sie: Moonlight Hill
mikepedigo34: BARRED OWL
Jim Oskam: Great Blue Heron
E_Rick1502: Checking Out!
charbonjoh: Coquette chalybée - Festive Coquette
Khanh B. Tran: Northern Pymgy Owl
.niraw: 2267 (explored)
Biron Yvan: _DSC7571 pan
tislissi: A flame
hlh 1960: SUNRISE IN 2017
Karin Pinkham (on and off): time to enjoy the colors
ian-mcintosh: DSCF5537
ian-mcintosh: Ben Lawers