Chiv3: Juv Dipper
Solchlo 64: Chouette chevêche
Through The Big Lens: Anna’s hummingbird, male
Solchlo 64: Grèbes huppés
sandra bourgeois: Étourneau sansonnet - sturnus vulgaris
sandra bourgeois: Chouette rayée - Barred owl
diana_robinson: View from Gapstow Bridge of the Pond and buildings in the early morning fog in Central Park
andriot.jac: Poule d’eau sur stèle
Bob Gunderson: Sandhill Crane
loryantoinecantin: Burrowing owl - Chevêche des terriers
loryantoinecantin: Hooded Merganser - Harle Huppé
loryantoinecantin: Burrowing Owl
loryantoinecantin: Hudsonian Godwit
loryantoinecantin: Hudsonian Godwit
loryantoinecantin: Boreal Owl
loryantoinecantin: Indigo Bunting
loryantoinecantin: Barred Owl (Strix Varia)
Antoine11992: Chouette rayée - Barred owl
Antoine11992: Paruline à gorge orangée - Blackburnian Warbler
Antoine11992: Paruline jaune - Yellow Warbler
Antoine11992: Paruline à poitrine baie - Bay-breasted Warbler
Antoine11992: Petit Blongios - Least Bittern
David Brooker: Little owl
Louise St-Maurice: Petite nyctale
Louise St-Maurice: Renard roux
Louise St-Maurice: Renard roux
Louise St-Maurice: Petit duc maculé
jjablonski35: Northern Parula
Hughie O'Connor: Stokksnes Beach Road