John LeClair: Craig Up Close & Personal
John LeClair: Amboseli Elephants with Kilimanjaro in the Background
John LeClair: Caracal at the Watering Hole
Creusaz: Galette des Rois
·dron·: last light
Andrew Louie Photography: Sunrise n' Shadows
fotolabyrinth: Schatten - Shadow
alexcalver: Leaf Senescence
Flickr: Flickr Group Feature - Focus on Film
Jaykhuang: Hanging Moon
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Pleine lune des moissons
Jaykhuang: Where to take July 4th Fireworks in San Francisco?
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): Leica II D + 9cm Elmar
Wild Pixel Safaris: The Crowned Queen!
Marsha Kirschbaum: What we can't see may still be out there - Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks
Fabian Fortmann: The Famous Mountain 🗻
Laurence Bouchard: Toeing the line
Marut Rata: White Plumeria
Maddog Murph: Northern Lights on the Blue Lagoon
Nina Papiorek Photography: |I ((i( /\ ))) I|
Jean-Luc Peluchon: Street slices
Lato-Pictures: Morning ceremony
Konlon Yu: 紅葉 / Red Leaves
louisraphael: Sunrise 11.27.22
mikeSF_: Hot Creek
davidyuweb: The Waxing Crescent Moon Over GGB