anandaheart resident: Shoot that poison arrow to my heart
Bayberry Lilliehook: Live, Laugh, Loot the Louvre
Klaus Conundrum: Inscrutable
In-world: RenMatsura Resident: Cause I’m in love with you
jacquesvalentine // BOYS TO THE BONE: 'i ain't your average, normal dude.'
KHEOPS - Secondlife fashion brand: KHEOPS x LEVEL EVENT
LouiseDernier: "Sade" Gown @Mainstore
Just BECAUSE_SL: NEW!! Bethany Gown - at FaMESHed!
Sekhmet Absinthe: surrender yourself
Izzie Button (Izzie's): Lips Changer (Evo X BOM) for FLF
Leanne_Mordue: Away so long
ꜰ ᴇ ʀ ɴ: Nami #NOAI
eirajuliesse: tiptoeing through the tulips
sisch // . Augenweide .: =not here, not now=
- Loute Diesel -: - Addiction II -
CelestialDemon: One by one.
miss amore: wired. Flutter Dress @ Dubai Event
sugar-coated pixels: The Ghost Bride
Beetle Wilder | Wilder Productions: Trex Costume | Bad Unicorn
Sekhmet Absinthe: Crazy he calls me, so I'm crazy.
ValKalAstra: Elementals