Bambi (norahbrent) Oh Deer Creator: You can call me... Red
Bambi (norahbrent) Oh Deer Creator: Yellow Flowers for Shabbat
Bambi (norahbrent) Oh Deer Creator: I've been a miner For a heart of gold
Bambi (norahbrent) Oh Deer Creator: Oh Deer Café at Missing Melody is now back open
Bambi (norahbrent) Oh Deer Creator: I am always ready for my closeup
Bambi (norahbrent) Oh Deer Creator: A postcard from a land far away in my imagination
Bambi (norahbrent) Oh Deer Creator: Red is the colour of love
Bambi (norahbrent) Oh Deer Creator: It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Bambi (norahbrent) Oh Deer Creator: The heart of the storm
Bambi (norahbrent) Oh Deer Creator: Secret Melody is now open
Bambi (norahbrent) Oh Deer Creator: I love the fitfull gusts that shakes the casement all the day. And from the mossy elm tree takes the faded leaf away