vittoriocatania: "Ti vedo scritta su tutti i muri ogni canzone mi parla di te e questa notte questa città mi sembra bellissima..." [cit.]
violae: vanitas
xamad: Comet Lovejoy - C/2014 Q2
María_Luna: ¨seis rosas¨
► MaNurs: The Dancers
Massimo Feliziani: Pendici dei Sibillini
| Les Hirondelles |: And no more shall we part
bass_nroll: [Uncommon Places]
Adrián Madrid: Lluvia de noviembre
A Pattern in Entropy: Misty Morning
Jaqueline Vanek: One day longer.
Jaqueline Vanek: Chained to the Inner Life.
► MaNurs: Lighthouse island // Isla del faro
► MaNurs: Giraffeland
Amanda Mabel: Day 185/365 ~ You're Not Alone; There is More to This, I Know; You Can Make it Out You Will Live to Tell
Amanda Mabel: Day 254/365 ~ Sometimes a Breakdown Can Be the Beginning of a Kind of Breakthrough, a Way of Living in Advance through a Trauma That Prepares You for a Future of Radical Transformation
Amanda Mabel: Day 91/365 ~ There Were So Many Things I Wanted to Say
Amanda Mabel: Day 92/365 ~ And in That Moment, I Swear, We Were Infinite