koen_jacobs: Magic
Eric Frey84: L'hiver en été
PeterThoeny: Exhaust gases of the SpaceX Falcon 9 launch
Blue Ruin 1: Geigi O-Tsuma 1890s
Saga: Threads
steve louie: Sigsaly | @ Red Gate
asketoner: la route du retour
~ Meredith ~: Untitled
~ Meredith ~: Untitled
Karl Dmitri Bishop: Nature uses only the longest threads to weave her patterns, so that each small piece of her fabric reveals the organisation of the entire tapestry.
steve louie: BB | @ Dickens Pub | Sled Island 2018
steve louie: BB | @ Dickens Pub | Sled Island 2018
steve louie: Peach Kelli Pop | @ Dickens Pub | Sled Island 2018
steve louie: empath | @ the Palomino | Sled Island 2018
steve louie: Prissy Whip | @ the Palomino | Sled Island 2018
Yukio.s: 又兵衛
R. C. Zimmerl: Witch's den Lt07.2017_085-1
steve louie: Body Lens | @ the Palomino
steve louie: Body Lens | @ the Palomino
steve louie: Body Lens | @ the Palomino
steve louie: Body Lens | @ the Palomino