ilona..: meilleurs voeux à tous pour 2016 ! ici, c'est le premier matin de nouvelle année, sur le miroir d'eau à Bordeaux !
larasantaella: 1/366: The first run.
harpazo_hope: Here we go again...
Travellin'Girl: 1/366 Peachy keen
brownrobert73: Owner-at-Home
Tom Rop: Coccinella septempunctata
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: epic_1b_20151022190018_00
CY2010: Protect life ( * explore * )
NW Vagabond: Tilting At Windmills
AlisterBC: Light Catchers
Hammerchewer: Striding off
biso 364: rivisitazione in b&w (Explore)
Not Ready for Primetime Stars: The Light of a Trillion Stars
McSnowHammer: Surf Circle
C-O: Dragonfly
sunnywinds*: Dialogue is Art
1/4th: Watching you watching me
Chizuka2010: An enchanting creek ❖ Un ruisseau enchanteur
myu-myu: Cosmos
davy ren2: Little one
romiana70: River run
Phil~Koch: I'm Living Today
Dietmar Temps: Tanzania, Lake Tanganyika
Marco Bontenbal ( 50% chance that it will rain... -explored-
Caleb4Ever: Till dawn
Cole Chase Photography: Fall on Red Jack Lake
Daniel Trim: Fly Agaric
Hatoori: Vía Láctea en la Campiña Sur (Extremadura)