thebyzantinelegacy: Uzun Kemer
thebyzantinelegacy: Mağlova Kemeri
thebyzantinelegacy: Güzelcekemer
thebyzantinelegacy: Eğri Kemer
thebyzantinelegacy: Mazulkemer
bridgink: Aqueduc de l'Horloge
Ted's photos - Stand With Ukraine: Zacatecas Aqueduct - 26 Oct 13
Paul Brouns: Balcony Fiesta
Estrella Chuang 心星: 晨燒外木山 ~ Sunrise
ken.helal: Female Rufous
Jaco Costerus.: a little bit higher please
hanspartes: Wildpark Bad Mergentheim
naturhighlights: We fly into the morning
naturhighlights: Cambodia-215
Irtiza Bukhari: Indian scops owl
Renovatio1976: Sunset Racers
penlea1954: Avon Aqueduct
rabinal: aqueduct, Lisbon
Marlis1: Aqueduct, Morella
yoel_tw: Acre aqueduct - אַמַּת עכו