— Loomax: "I am a man! I have a name! Oswald Cobblepot"
Saad Sarfraz Sheikh: Sordid State of Affairs...
Celeste33: My painting - Navaratna 9 + 9
Thomas Hawk: Dreams in Black and White
ImagesByClaire: Vintage books & pear
Thomas Hawk: Columbus Circle
Ramocchia: Alice stupore e meraviglia,
kamaran: the Kurds
-kenza: Oxford Street Jubilee
pupanna: la Bianchina
Trey Ratcliff: Angelina in Paris
— Loomax: Aftermath #3
SBA73: L'antic poble de Santa Creu / Abandoned medieval village
Trey Ratcliff: Girls in Tokyo
bbabyshambles: Day two hundred and sixty seven
Thomas Hawk: One Last Cocktail
Thomas Hawk: The Birthday Girl
Thomas Hawk: Thirty Fiver
Marco Adams: Trinidad - Cuba
Franck Vervial: Betania window, par Franck Vervial
nicole's blues: Marrakech - Morocco
TAT_hase!: rickshaw
JannaPham: Moscow tonight
kayugee: Vintage Car
Biblioteca de Arte-Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian: Lucie de Sousa Cardoso (1890-1984)