FrankBoyd: Guéthary
Nick Twyford: The Sands of Karekare
iaso: Lightning, North Livorno
AlanHowe :): Bamburgh Castle Sunrise
Dave Toussaint Photography: Storm over the Bodie Firehouse
BPK's Fotos: view schrocken 2281m
boris bajcetic: Alpsko jutro / Alpine morning
Lothbrok's Yen: CoincidenceOfOpposites
Lothbrok's Yen: SomePeopleAreAloneAtChristmas-InviteThemToColourTheirDays
Daniel_Ernst: Snow Day
Ludovic Cadet Photo: Au loin, l'orage
Ludovic Cadet Photo: Au vent d'hiver 3
Ludovic Cadet Photo: Le gardien du champs
Ludovic Cadet Photo: Par une fin d'après-midi brumeuse
Ludovic Cadet Photo: Ondée maritime
Ludovic Cadet Photo: Aux premières loges
@lain G: Ornans
Ludovic Cadet Photo: Au vent d'hiver 2
Tee H Tan: 香火 Rays of sunlight
GraceAdams: the color blue
GraceAdams: like embers from burning trees
GraceAdams: but you are part of this world
SupersonicNJ: Harvest Morning
BeaBarCas: 82 "Saziando l'Uomo"