kcwood "iBoy": Surabaya - the name of the city means Sharks and Crocodile... Interesting history.
kcwood "iBoy": #Repost from @baby_choy --- #throwback to yesterday. Taking a stroll through the Le Marais district with the beautiful @ms_rach . Sun was shining, we were all smiling. Thrilled to be witnessing her #contikilegends in the making. #noregrets #lovebonito
kcwood "iBoy": #Repost from @ms_rach --- Very blessed to have clear skies & the gorgeous sun out in Paris this weekend! We hear it's one of the best weekends for the year. #thankGod #contikilegends #contikiXlovebonito In @lovebonito's Cape Coat. & Contiki will be givi
bluesea272001: Sunny day
kelvolution (偉傑): never in my life that i ate so much meat in one night ... this was probably only 1/4 of what we've ordered ... fat die me >_<
kcwood "iBoy": @samanthathathatha - it's here!! Haha
lunatic bunny: Axton's 30th Birthday Mad Hatter Tea Party Invite!
seannyK: blast from the past