kcwood "iBoy": Not real! #inlovewithswitzerland
kcwood "iBoy": Going up the mountain to #Leukerbad for thermal spa. This doesn't look real.. Certainly a must visit town. #inlovewithswitzerland
kcwood "iBoy": Getting there: Jongfraujoch - 365 days of snow. Access via Swiss Train #inlovewithswitzerland
kcwood "iBoy": Breathtaking. #inlovewithswitzerland
kcwood "iBoy": Money on the ground
kcwood "iBoy": Quick start of the day.
kcwood "iBoy": Wander~~
kcwood "iBoy": Souk = market. #travel #dubai
kcwood "iBoy": This is insane - #SkiDubai in a shopping mall #travel
kcwood "iBoy": #nobu - great restaurant with DJ playing great tunes #travel #dubai
kcwood "iBoy": This is good - a lot of sugar is required. And pretty as well! #cokelight
kcwood "iBoy": Window shopping at 3am SGT. 😴😴😴
kcwood "iBoy": 😛😛😛😛😛
kcwood "iBoy": Getting ready for tomorrow's show at #itbasia2015
kcwood "iBoy": Must eat - 烧鹅~~
kcwood "iBoy": 好食!👌👌👌 #hongkong
kcwood "iBoy": They having street party tonight from 7:30pm. Free slider and beers... Yumz @butchersclubhk @butchersclubsg @butchersburger
kcwood "iBoy": First blue sky in many weeks. It's like rainbow after rain.
kcwood "iBoy": I'm peanutized! @peanutsmovie @20thcenturyfox @fox_singapore #peanutmovie
kcwood "iBoy": #ultraman
kcwood "iBoy": Green tea & sweet potato ice cream
kcwood "iBoy": Mochi ~ oiishi
kcwood "iBoy": It is yummy. #doraemon cake
kcwood "iBoy": Japanese tea break cake
kcwood "iBoy": #doraemon is so happy! #travel
kcwood "iBoy": Very nice drink #travel #tokyo
kcwood "iBoy": Banana pancake #travel #tokyo
kcwood "iBoy": Poached egg and salmon
kcwood "iBoy": Mum's first visit to Harajuku~~ 😉
kcwood "iBoy": 下一站:新宿. My ramen~~~ 😁😁