ats8110: calypso, calypso bulbosa var. americana
ats8110: three-toothed saxifrage, saxifraga tricuspidata
ats8110: showy queen lady slipper, cypripedium reginae
ats8110: ram's head lady slipper, cypripedium arietinum
jimf_29605: Arisaema triphyllum (Jack-in-the-pulpit)
jimf_29605: Calopogon multiflorus (Many-flowered Grass Pink orchid)
jimf_29605: Calopogon multiflorus (Many-flowered Grass Pink orchid)
jimf_29605: Galearis spectabilis (Showy orchisI
jimf_29605: Isotria verticillata (Large Whorled Pogonia orchid)
jimf_29605: Hexastylis speciosa (Harper's Heartleaf)
ats8110: hybrid spotted lady slipper, (Alaska Lady Slipper), cypripedium x alaskanum
ats8110: wild columbine, aquilegia canadaensis
ats8110: andrew's lady slipper, cypripedium candidum var. andrewsii
annepowell500: Toothed Helmet Orchid (Corybas pruinosus) - approx 25mm high - flower stem grows through a single heart-shaped leaf - NSW
annepowell500: Trigger Plant (Stylidium graminifolium) - 20mm dia wildflower endemic to Australia
annepowell500: Stinkhorn fungi (Phallus multicolor) growing in woodchip mulch - NSW
annepowell500: Crepidotus sp fungi - approx 15mm dia - NSW
annepowell500: Cyptotrama asprata fungi (commonly known as the Golden-scruffy collybia) - approx 30mm dia - Barrington Tops National Park, NSW
annepowell500: Cobra Greenhood Orchid (Pterostylis grandiflora) - endemic to Australia - approx 20mm dia
frantalamla: Adonis vernalis
frantalamla: Dactylorhiza cruenta
frantalamla: Primula latifolia subsp. graveolens
ats8110: strawberry begonia, saxifraga stolonifera
ats8110: lesser yellow lady slipper, cypripedium parviflorum var. parviflorum
ats8110: pink lady slipper, cypripedium acaule
carlo.magenes: IMG_4977_1
ninatvdsteroline: DSC04092 (2)
ninatvdsteroline: DSC04073 (2)
ninatvdsteroline: DSC04082 (2)
thoma.michel05: DSC_7015