Wildonline.blog: European Robin
Wildonline.blog: Long-tailed tit
Wildonline.blog: Greater Spotted Woodpecker
Wildonline.blog: Goldfinch
Wildonline.blog: Chaffinch
Christoph Fischer: 15 Tips for Stunning Mountain Photographs!
Christoph Fischer: The Importance of Shapes & Balance in Composition.
Christoph Fischer: The Beauty in Simplicity: Highly effective tips for clean, powerful images!
Christoph Fischer: Highly Effective Tips for Powerful Wide Angle Images!
Vladimir Vulf: DSC05513
kanearcadia: Portrait of a dingo pup
catklein: Spider's masterpiece spiking my serotonin levels
Lady-bug: Dogwood Days
a.penny: Iceland
Harvey Licht: Lisbon
adreciclarte: Lisboa, 2024
Henry Aldridge: 20180202 - 22 Banded Flying Snake or Twin-barred Tree Snake, Chrysopelea pelias circa 60cm. Pencil thin and light enough to navigate a fern frond without it moving. Barring is not obvious from the side but is from above (see previous picture).
giroux.gaetan53: Fou de Bassan / Morus bassanus / Northern Gannet
arnicadesembets: le pivert est bien présent autour de la ferme. Il ne vient pas vers les graines de tournesol, mais apprécie les divers points d'eau que nous avons aménagés....
Markus50d: Arco da Albandeira | Algarve
jeanmichel_lecoq: 020849NBLR
Buzz and Raider: AJ0A8398-HDR
MelvinNicholsonPhotography: November Mid-Afternoon Sunset, Hamnoy, Lofoten, Norway
MelvinNicholsonPhotography: Sunshine Through the Eye of the Needle (Rock) , Old Man of Storr, Skye
WendyCoops224: Bearded Reedling-1564
Ken Barley: Southwark Underground Station
After-the-Rain: Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus)
jean-pierresola: Plaine de Bièvre Isère
mezy3: Leers ( Nord-France )
mezy3: Estainpuis ( Belgique )