sdawesy1: Crowned Lapwing (Vanellus coronatus)
jannweiss: DSC09565
skassam: Snowy Owl (F)
Jarek S. "Jerry": Kingfisher
Weja 68: 2R5_ European robin
Greg Lavaty Photography: Forster's Tern
patricia.hoedts: Cigonya blanca - Ciguena blanca - White stork - Cigogne blanche - Ciconia ciconia
claudiepichon: Cistude d’Europe, Emys orbicularis
Greg Lavaty Photography: Northern Harrier
patricia.hoedts: Cabusso emplomallat - Somormujo lavanco - Great crested grebe - Grèbe huppé - Podiceps cristatus
ÇhяḯṧtÖρнε: Grue cendrée - Grus grus (Aragon, Espagne) 28 décembre 2024
skassam: Snowy Owl (F)
DeirdreYrD: Red Kite
jan-loup: Ibis falcinelle / Plegadis falcinellus / Glossy Ibis
patricia.hoedts: Territ de tres dits - Correlimos tridactilo - Sanderling - Bécasseau sanderling - Calidris alba + Corriol camanegre - Chorlitejo patinegro - Kentish plover - Gravelot à collier interrompu - Anarhynchus alexandrinus
patricia.hoedts: Puput comuna - Abubilla comun - Eurasian hoopoe - Huppe fasciée - Upupa epops
Orchid ~*: Younger
helene.gruber3: 2025_0124_geneva_lux_127
sandra bourgeois: Busard des Marais - Northern Harrier
patricia.hoedts: Pit-roig - Petirrojo europeo - European robin - Rougegorge familier - Erithacus rubecula
Mobile Lynn: Common Redpoll 850_3241.jpg
patricia.hoedts: Puput comuna - Abubilla comun - Eurasian hoopoe - Huppe fasciée - Upupa epops
patricia.hoedts: Cames llargues - Ciguenuela comun - Black-winged stilt - Echasse blanche mâle - Himantopus himantopus
skassam: Great Gray Owl - on the hunt with light snow falling.
Greg Lavaty Photography: Pied-billed Grebe
jannweiss: DSC08197
la.truf: 20250126_Bécasseaux Sanderling_003
pat.giacobi: Grosbec casse-noyaux ou Gros-bec casse-noyaux
Weja 68: 2R5_ Blue tit