charlottebh: Svalbard ptarmigan // Lagopus muta hyperborea // Svalbardrype
sdaengeli: 2339
Sinnassamy Michel: Bumblebee / Bourdon
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: I found something
jimbop22001: American robin with worm
neurodoc2010: bee bokeh
Jean-François Hic: Gentoo Penguin - Pygoscelis papua
Jean-François Hic: Common Tern - Sterna hirundo
- Man from the North -: Ice and clouds (Explored)
- Man from the North -: It´s just another west coast sunset
Stefan Comes: DSC_2090_2
Jean-François Hic: Ruby-throated Hummingbird - Archilochus colubris
Stefan Comes: Opuntia ficus-indica
*Ranger*: Morning glory
PeteWPhotography: Regal Eagle
- Man from the North -: Crested tit (Lophophanes cristatus)
- Man from the North -: Last sunshine of the day
Nature Wonderland: Great Egret
Nature Wonderland: Common Kestrel
Nature Wonderland: Crested Tit
Silke Hüttche: Eisvogel (Alcedo atthis)
Matthew J Martin: Hooded Merganser With Catch
Matthew J Martin: Red-Breasted Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus ruber)
Matthew J Martin: IMG_8594.jpg
Matthew J Martin: Female Mountain Bluebird in flight (Sialia currucoides)
WhiteEye2: Watch out fish!!
WhiteEye2: Snowy owl in flight!
- Man from the North -: Common cuckoo