stupid is the new clever:
Space Invaders Stitch
Rubin Starset:
Seems Odd
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation:
Saturday afternoon
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation:
after the rain, under the streetlight
The Library of Congress:
Woman aircraft worker, Vega Aircraft Corporation, Burbank, Calif. Shown checking electrical assemblies (LOC)
The Library of Congress:
Ensign Noressey and Cadet Thenics at the Naval Air base, Corpus Christi, Texas (LOC)
The Library of Congress:
Operating a hand drill at Vultee-Nashville, woman is working on a "Vengeance" dive bomber, Tennessee (LOC)
The Library of Congress:
Cultivating sugar cane on the Virgin Islands Company land, vicinity of Bethlehem, St. Croix (LOC)
Jason Arends:
Benjamin Postlewait:
Fun With Traffic Control!
Doug Stremel Photo:
yellow leaf
Step into another world
Boris Earth:
Peter Bowers:
Oblong Lake Sunrise #3
The Coyote:
The Coyote:
slight clutter:
Katrina Relief Auction Submission - Houston Zoo [Glamour Girl]
Lights Out