sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation:
mouse at sunset
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation:
Springtime attention
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation:
rook and mouse
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation:
. Intimacy interrupted
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation:
. Intimacy interrupted
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation:
ai, Michael, Polaroid copy
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation:
fish tacos
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation:
I always wanted to have a fat cat and it never happened until’mouse
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation:
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation:
mouse and rook
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation:
Experimental photo of whole food cooking
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation:
Rook was bigger than mouse
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation:
Little titmouse