laurencealbucher: Face au peintre- Cité des Lumières-Laurence
laurencealbucher: Cité des Lumières ADN- Laurence
laurencealbucher: Immersion
look to see: Bokeh test van waterdruppels / Bokeh test of water drops.
look to see: Pure madness.
Funchye: Poppy from early spring
Funchye: Physalis in a box
Lloyd.Lane: Mist at Elterwater
Lloyd.Lane: River Cuckmere reflections
Jackie XLY: Autumn Stained Glass
Jackie XLY: Be Careful What You Pick
David Clippinger: The Dredge
david.hogan7: Daydreaming
**Tuomo**: Impressionism_style_painting_CrownTop
laurent_arasco: lost in the road.
arnolamez: Cascade du lac d'Oo.jpg
Nick Livesey Mountain Images: Tryfan, en route to Llechog - Snowdonia - Wales
Appalachian Hiker: Primordial II
Bertrand Thiéfaine: La saison des brumes
karindebruin: A Blissful Morning!
*ines_maria: ...viennaundergound : triflection
Stefan Schlegl: Brandseeschwalbe / Sandwich Tern / Thalasseus sandvicensis
bewo22: Une petite averse traverse un rayon soleil
djflexkid: Serene Sanur
RG Rutkay: Dawn Clouds - 7284 ed
Theresa Finley: Energized!!
Margarita Calderó: A corner of forest with water ( Explore )
Richard Castell: Summer song_45A9700a_
Joe Allen Photography: Incoming Sanderling