aleshurik: Fox in the land of shadows..
smitten kitchen: confetti sheet cake, muppet-style
Wil Freeborn: Milarrochy Bay Tree
aleshurik: Following the sun..
Namtra: Düsseldorf Racecourse. Rennbahn Düsseldorf
Kristybee: Roses At Home
Wil Freeborn: Wild flowers
mariell øyre: billie_and_i
gabi campanario: SBXroastery
smitten kitchen: first bagel
mariell øyre: homesong
mariell øyre: copenhagen buys.
Kristybee: Hi :)
ansy: Day 319: love to countdown to Christmas! It's never too early for a christmas countdown! #love365 #christmasshoppinghasbegun #yaychristmascantwait
smitten kitchen: we've decided to keep her
ansy: Day 286: absolutely love prayer tools This year, I find myself being the prayer coordinator. Equipped with a large space, managed to utilise the space with different prayer tools to encourage campers for prayer. This was the result of the post-it-prayer w
ansy: Day 266: love it when He hears our prayers ...which is definitely 100% of the time. #love365 #prayuntilsomethinghappens #justkeeppraying #prayer #scripture #psalms
redwelly: Pines
Wil Freeborn: Café Gandolfi
ansy: Day 200: I found a love greater than life itself. Been back for less than 12 hours. Number of people who have asked me about my love life: four. (But I'm sure that number will only increase tomorrow!) I'm sorry. I have no earthly love right now. Sorry t
ansy: Day 195: Father's love that draws me in. All I need is You, Lord, is You, Lord. "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9 #love365 #songlyrics #AllineedisYouLord #yesthisismycreativeoutletforthedayunti
ansy: Day 188: don't love the world I think it's hard to not love the world. There's so much in this world that is so worthy to be loved. Humans. Music. Arts. Science. Food. Places. Knowledge. Experiences and pleasure. But I know it's important not to love the
Wil Freeborn: Life Drawing/Painting
ansy: Day 155: Love Mercy Couldn't find a single church bulletin in whole house. Either because I've thrown out everything. Or things are all packed away. It's times like these that I wonder if my throwing things away is merciless? But you gotta do what you g